Profile Hits: 1354
Lance Sumner

My Goals
Achieve online income level to handle all my living costs


If you are looking for a great opportunity with all the Tools you need, training to really start making money on the net, and have the support experts close your deals then you need to check this out. I have all the tools to build my online business - Domain, hosting, traffic generation, responder, pre-scripted marketing messages, and a lot more with training how to put these things into action and make money very quickly. It's been a blessing to my life and you can check it out at .
Posted At 2010-09-03 07:35:41


I am a retired U.S. Army Officer after 22 years and now focused on raising my two children and working hard to build an online income. I always do my best to Enjoy Life to the Fullest!

Lance's Friends
List Volta
Bob Johnson
Steve Joyner
Krystyna Simmons
ASA Team24